These are the
Forbush Bird Club Membership levels
for 2024/2025
Dues cover the fiscal year
from April 1 through March 31.
Individual $15
Family $20
Life $200
Student $5
Patron $25
To join the club, please print out THIS FORM, fill in your name and address, and check-mark the membership level that you desire. Make your check payable to the Forbush Bird Club, and send the completed form to the club Treasurer:
Barton Kamp
43 Zenith Drive
Worcester, MA 01602
If you need more membership information
please contact Barton Kamp at
When you join/renew:
Copies of the Constitution of the Forbush Bird Club are available upon request.
Club decals are available for $1.00. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with remittance. New members receive a free decal.
Club pins are available for $4.00, postpaid.
The Chickadee publications from 1931 to 2017 can be downloaded from this website (look under Reports and Sightings)