the Forbush Bird Club of Worcester, MA

Much older events

Events of 2005 and earlier
     of the Forbush Bird Club

(click to enlarge images)


August 18, 2005 trip to South Beach, Chatam: group photo; seals.
[photos by trip leader Ed Banks]

This bird was seen on the Forbush Bird Club trip to Plum Island on Aug. 22, 2004. (click to enlarge).
Pull out your field guide and try to identify it.  The answer is in the trip reports.  (photo by Bruce deGraaf). 


Aug. 17, 2004   Forbush Bird Club members study the birds on South Beach in Chatham, including these black skimmers.


June 13, 2004   The Forbush Bird Club held the annual bird census at Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary. Here the participants relax after the count.

June 8, 2003    Special event after the 2003 Annual Bird Count at Wachusett Meadows

After the annual bird census conducted at Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary by members of the Forbush Bird Club, census organizer Fran McMenemy was acknowledged for his 40 years of dedicated service in organizing the Breeding Bird Survey at Wachusett Meadow. Photos below are from this June 8, 2003 event.

Joe Choiniere, Sanctuary Director of Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, presents, Fran McMenemy with a Barry Van Dusen original (a framed page from one of Barry's sketch books).

Bob Aiello, a Forbush Club member, presents Fran with one of his own original watercolors depicting a great egret in a wetland setting.

Fran McMenemy shows off his gift to Forbush Club member, John Gray.

Nov. 2002   The Forbush Bird Club held a well attended November, 2002 meeting at the Holy College library. The program speaker was Ms. Rose Clancy Miconi who spoke on "Loons:Conservation and Preservation."

Oct. 18 2001    Tom Ricardi, Wildlife Rehabilitator, spoke to the Forbush Bird Club and showed birds at the meeting on October 18, 2001
[photos by club member Bob Ricci]

Oct 7, 2001  Field Trip

March 15, 2001  Club Meeting.
Brad Blodget (left), Mass State Ornithologist, and Dick Hildreth (right), current club president. Photo by Bob Ricci.

Jan 1, 2000    Participants in the first Forbush Bird Club trip of the new millenium (1/1/00)

Oct 21, 1999
 Attention is turned to Bart Kamp, Forbush Club treasurer, during the meeting held at Holy Cross College.
Club president Richard W. Hildreth presides.