the Forbush Bird Club of Worcester, MA

Recent events

Recent meetings and trips
   of the Forbush Bird Club

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Aug. 16, 2015     Aboard the Captain John whalewatch cruise for the Forbush Pelagic birding trip.
Left picture shows club president Dick Knowlton (on the right) and trip leader Dan Berard.

April 23, 2015    Annual dinner meeting (business meeting and banquet)

Trip to Lake Quaboag and vicinity in April 2015

New Year's Day 2015 birdwatching around Worcester and Lake Quinsigamond

Birdwatching with leader Rodney Jenkins around New Braintree, Oct. 12 2014.

Trip to Wachusett Meadow in August 2014

The birdwatching trip to Bolton Flats on April 6 2014 required some wading

On the trip to Cape Ann on Feb 8, 2014, the group was treated to wonderfully close views of a Thick-billed Murre (click on the photo above).