the Forbush Bird Club of Worcester, MA

Older events - Forbush Bird Club

Events of 2011 and earlier (to 2006)
     of the Forbush Bird Club

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Athol Bird and Nature Club President Dave Small gives a presentation on moths at the Forbush Bird Club meeting on November 18, 2011



Forbush President Alan Marble presents the Forbush Fellow award to Charles E. Caron at the Forbush Bird Club annual meeting and dinner on April 21, 2011


Superbowl of Birding VIII

On January 29, 2011, five Forbush Members competed with 20 other teams in the Superbowl of Birding VII organized by the Audubon's Joppa Flats. This is a team contest to record the most points (points are dependent on rarity of species observed) and species from 5 am to 5 pm. The contest area consists of Essex County in Massachusetts and Rockingham County in New Hampshire.

At the end of the day, the Burger Kinglets, made up of Paul Meleski, Rodney Jenkins, Tom Pirro, Chuck Caron and Dan Berard, were awarded the top prize, the Joppa Cup, given to the team with the most points.

This competition features some of the best birders around and these guys did a great job. Great field ID skills, strategy and a little luck are needed.  Congratulations.

For a detailed description of the day, see Tom's Blog.

(notes submitted by Alan Marble)

August 27, 2010 trip to South Beach, Chatham

August 14, 2008 trip to South Beach, Chatham:  group photo; Oystercatchers
[group photo by Judith Johnson, bird photo by Richard Johnson]

April 24, 2008   - -   Forbush Bird Club Annual Dinner

The 77th Annual Dinner and Business Meeting of the Forbush Bird Club was held at the Manor Restaurant on Route 12 in West Boylston, MA.
The dinner speaker was Shawn Carey, who gave several multi-media presentations:
"Birders", "Massachusetts Wildlife", and "Looking Skyward, a Passion for Hawkwatching".

Feb. 21, 2008
Regular February Meeting

John Van de Graaff was the featured speaker, who gave a very enjoyable slide show presentation entitled "Birds across Europe: A photographic odyssey". If you'd like to see more of his photos, here is John's website.


Nov. 15, 2007
Regular November Meeting

Bruce deGraaf gave a very informative and entertaining presentation on "digiscoping".  It included a comparison of techniques and equipment, as well as how "digiscoping" compares with using a stand-alone digital SLR camera.  Here are some useful web links he told us about:
Bruce's website
Digital Photography Review      Steve's Digicams

April 26, 2007    Forbush Bird Club Annual Dinner

Outgoing President        Joan Zumpfe

Outgoing President
        Joan Zumpfe

Incoming President        John Root

Incoming President
        John Root

     Lively discussion at the dinner table

     Lively discussion at the dinner table

The 76th Annual Dinner and Business Meeting of the Forbush Bird Club was held at the Manor Restaurant on Route 12 in West Boylston, MA.
The dinner speaker was Blair Nikula, who spoke on "Penguins, Petrels, and Prions: An Antarctic Adventure"

August 21, 2006 trip to South Beach, Chatham: Curlew Sandpiper
[bird photos by Richard Johnson, group photo by Ed Banks]


May 6, 2006   Trip to Buck Hill