the Forbush Bird Club of Worcester, MA
Quabbin Res 5.6.12 6 -b.JPG

Here are reports from some recent trips



Delaney Wildlife Management Area

The morning was misty and cool but calm. The weather discouraged all but three other people from joining me. I had rescheduled the trip from Saturday because the forecast was for rain all day, and indeed that rain did materialize.

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Richard Scarlet
Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, Princeton

Leader: Joan Gallagher. Bird list recorder: Andy Wojcikowski. Observers: 8. Weather: Sunny, 55 degrees to start ending in the low 70’s. A perfect day with outstanding weather and group participation in finding and identifying birds Highlights: Common Loons heard calling along with a Common Raven, Philadelphia Vireo and a mysterious Buteo sp. seen flying in the South Meadow field.

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Richard Scarlet
Barre Falls Dam Wildlife Management Area

Six of us braved the slightly damp weather and were rewarded with a nice list of birds, including good looks at a Barred Owl. We made a valiant but unsuccessful effort to find the Yellow-crowned Night Heron that had been seen at this location the day before.

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Richard Scarlet
Crane Swamp Conservation Area

Nine Forbush Bird Club birders enjoyed a May morning bird walk at Crane Swamp Conservation Area (a MWRA watershed protection area) and Cedar Hill (a Sudbury Valley Trustees property) led by Laura Lane. A beautiful day and an abundance of both migrating and local breeding birds provided a great morning of birding.

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Richard Scarlet
Rauscher Farm Conservation Area

This trip was rescheduled due to an adverse weather report for Saturday, allowing at least one person to attend who would not have done so otherwise, but sadly preventing another person from participating. The Friday weather was perfect, sunny and mild. We were able to see or hear an impressive list of species, including eight different warblers. An additional highlight was the presence of a male Bobolink who sang nicely for us and afforded brief views from a treetop before flying to the other side of the meadow.

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Richard Scarlet
Delaney Wildlife Management Area

Seven club members joined Trip Leader David Ammerman on a cool and calm but overcast morning. The attached list includes all the birds that anyone in the group was able to identify during the three hours we walked. We covered 2 1/2 miles, walking in a loop to the south and east of the lake.

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Richard Scarlet